What Not to Send to CGC Video Games
CGC Video Games does not certify certain video games and related materials. Below is a helpful guide covering what not to send to CGC Video Games for certification. Items that are not accepted by CGC Video Games will be returned to the submitter ungraded.
Releases and Materials Not Eligible for CGC Grading
Cartridge-only and Disc-only Games
Cartridge-only and Disc-only Games
CGC Video Games will grade Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Nintendo 64 cartridges by themselves without a box. However, these are the only consoles CGC Video Games currently offers this service for. Cartridge only games from other consoles will not be graded by CGC Video Games.
Similarly, CGC Video Games will not certify disc only video games. Any non-NES, non-SNES or non-N64 cartridges and any optical disc submitted to CGC Video Games without a corresponding box or case will be returned ungraded.
Manuals and Inserts
Manuals and Inserts
CGC Video Games does not currently certify manuals and inserts by themselves. If a manual or insert is submitted with a corresponding box but not a cartridge or disc, then CGC Video Games will certify the manual or insert according to its complete in box standards and issue a Qualified label for that game. Learn more about the Qualified label here.
If a CIB submission has the wrong manual or insert, it will be removed from the CIB submission and returned to the submitter. For example, if someone submits a Super Mario Bros. for the NES as a CIB submission and includes a Mario Bros. manual in the submission, the Mario Bros. manual will be removed entirely and the CIB submission will be encapsulated with a Qualified label.
Manuals from the wrong region will also be removed from submissions. For example, if a CIB submission including a USA copy of Super Mario Bros. 3 includes a Canadian manual, the Canadian manual will be removed and the USA Super Mario Bros. 3 will be encapsulated with a Qualified label.
Improper Components
Improper Components
CGC Video Games will not certify improper components. If a video game is submitted with improper components, CGC Video Games will certify the proper components that were submitted and grade the game accordingly. If one of the improper components is a cartridge/disc, box/case or manual, CGC Video Games will issue a Qualified label for that game.
Big Boxes
Big Boxes
CGC Video Games does not currently grade non-standard sized boxes, including big boxes. Unfortunately, this means popular video games like EarthBound for Super Nintendo cannot be certified as complete in box. EarthBound can only be certified as cartridge only. However, games that were released in a standard-sized box or case and packaged within a big box may still be certified. For example, many Not For Resale or Collector’s Edition variants that were part of a bundle may be certified as complete in box as long as they still have their standard-sized box/case and manual.
Guitar Hero for the PlayStation 2 is a good example. It was initially released as a bundle, but the game still came with a standard-sized case and manual. In some instances, a game was packaged in a big box with a standard-sized case, but it did not come with a standard-sized manual. This is true for games like the Lunar series for PlayStation. Although packaged in a big box, these games still came with a standard-sized double jewel case but an over-sized manual. CGC Video Games will certify the case and the discs, but not the manual. In such situations, CGC Video Games will issue a Qualified label for the game.
CGC Video Games does offer certification for some prototypes. However, prototypes will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis due to their often unique size and dimensions.
CGC Video Games does not certify reproductions, counterfeits, pirates, hacks or other unauthorized items.
CGC Video Games does not currently certify video game consoles. This includes consoles that were bundled with a video game.
Controllers and Accessories
Controllers and Accessories
CGC Video Games does not currently certify video game controllers or accessories. This includes controllers and accessories that were bundled with a video game.
CGC Video Games certifies some video game controllers, but does not currently certify accessories. CGC Video Games has encapsulated some very rare controllers such as the Nintendo World Championships controllers in standard-size boxes. These controllers are only certified on a case-by-case basis. For more information, or if you have questions about a submission, please contact CGC Video Games at Service@CGCvideogames.com or call (+1) 855-GRADE10.
Nintendo Power and Strategy Guides
Nintendo Power and Strategy Guides
CGC Video Games does not certify Nintendo Power magazines or video game strategy guides. However, Certified Guaranty Company® (CGC®) does certify these items. Nintendo Power magazines and strategy guides sent to CGC Video Games will not be transferred to CGC. They will be returned to the sender ungraded.
Video Game Memorabilia
Video Game Memorabilia
CGC Video Games does not certify video game memorabilia.